Sunday, September 04, 2005

Real Gas Prices

This is pretty much how I've felt about gas prices the last week and some. How we went from 2.50 a gallon to 3.27 in 4 days is beyond me. The same gas is is in the station storage tanks, so how come it went up 26 cents a gallon between 8:00 in the morning and 1:00 in the afternoon? And our president's words of wisdom? "Don't buy gas if you don't need it"

Profound. Except I don't purchase gasoline for pleasure... it's not like choosing to pass on a snickers bar today. I, like everyone else I know buys gasoline because it need it to make my car go. If I had one of the promised "magic hydrogen cars" I could run my car on tap water. But since my car is what takes me to my job, and my kids to school and their activities, gasoline is not an optional purchase- it's required.

Mr. President, what planet do you live on where purchasing gasoline is a optional item? Oh, the imaginary planet with the magic hydrogen cars, I forgot.


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