Penny foolish, Pound foolish- just plain foolish!
The old saying goes "Penny Wise, Pound Foolish" I have to wonder: Does our Great Leader spend any time kicking himself over the fact that he could have spent 70 million to save the levees in NOLA and it would have saved what is looking to be 150 BILLION dollars in recovery? On the other hand, this gives the Bush administration the excuse to throw any pretensions of fiscal responsiblilty out the window. Reduce the budget deficit? Not in my or my children’s lifetimes… Between the debacle in Iraq and the destruction of the Gulf coast, coupled with the Bush revenue transfer from the poor and middle class to millionaires, the U.S. will be bankrupt debtor nation within the decade, unless we establish a reasonable reform to the tax code that DOESN'T involve giving away the store to the rich and corporations.
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