Monday, September 19, 2005

Bush Agenda is All But Dead

It’s Official! The Bush Agenda is all but dead!

No, really. That is the headline on the front of the American Spectator, one of the biggest right wing voices out there. Even the most hard right conservative activists are throwing in the towel on this bunch of incompetent hacks.

Perhaps they read one of the many biographies of G.W. Bush out thatthatt chronicle how he has failed at every other thing job he ever had and run every business he has been involved with into the ground (National Guard Service, Harkin Oil, Arbusto Oil, The State of Texas) The only time he has been successful is when his Daddy's friends stepped in and saved his ass, as they did with the Texas Rangers deal. Unfortunately , the business he is running into the ground now is the USA.

Everyone serves a purpose in life. W's seems to be to serve as an example of what leadership DOESN'T look like.


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