Thursday, September 15, 2005

Rotten all the way down the line

So I was talking with my wife last night (actually, it was more along the lines of she mentioned something on the news and I went off on a rant in far more depth than she ever wanted to know). Anyway, I forget the actual topic at the moment, but my conclusion was that we are generally screwed as long as Bush is the Prez. And she said something very telling: “yeah, but I don’t want Cheney to be president” And it hit me. No matter how far down the chain of command we go, it’s still bad- it even gets worse. The line of succession looks like this:

President: G.W. Bush
Vice Pres: Dick Cheney
Speaker of the House: Dennis Hastert
Pres. Pro Temp of the Senate: Ted Stevens/Alaska
Sec. of State: Condi Rice
Sec. Treasury: John Snow
Sec. Defense: Donald Rumsfeld

Cronyism, ideologues and incompetents all the way down the line.

So, getting rid of Bush AND Cheney (and Rove, can’t forget Bush’s Brain) is not enough. As we saw recently in the Katrina Debacle, the tree is rotten all the way through, bottom to top.

This nation needs the opposition party to capture at least one house of Congress (Some party, Lord knows it probably won’t be the “let me lay down and have you walk all over me Democrats” we have in charge of the party now)

Because no matter how deep we go in the current administration, it’s rotten.


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