Living in a Dilbert World

Some personal info (not to personal, no need to hide this post from the kids) about me.
I used to be a rather well paid trainer for IBM, way back when. Then, after a few years under the grand old Bush economy, IBM started shedding jobs like a old English sheep dog in August in Arizona... Seems that all our jobs can be done better in India, China or Brazil (excuse me, I mistyped- I meant to say all our jobs can be CHEAPER in India, China or Brazil) Anyway, I was "invited" to be part of an IBM "Resource Action"- otherwise know as being downsized, RIFFED, laid off, etc. I spent the better part of a year looking for a new position. (13 months of unemployment with a short 12 week contract in that whole time) I found a new position at what looked like a GREAT company in March of this year
Looks are deceiving... The project I was hired into is a disaster on wheels... If this project were a ship, it would be the HMS Titanic. It's on its 3rd set of managers, the vendor can't find their ass with both hands and a flashlight and top staff are jumping like lemmings on crack. And on Monday of this week, what is left of the project team was told that our team was being eliminated and we would be "given the opportunity to apply for new positions that are being created" If we don't get a new position by 12/31/05, out the door we go.
I just got hired, now I have to reapply for my job again. I'll probably be told I'm not qualified enough to do the job I currently do. I swear, I can't laugh at Dilbert anymore, it's just too much like reality.
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