Outrage Overload
Welcome to Outrage Overload. This is a place where I vent on the many, many, MANY things that are just plain annoying me. Most of the outrages are coming from our nations capital or from the campaign trail - but I will also have things to say about the daily outrages we all encounter
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Yep, it figures...
I can't help but just shrug when I read things like this:
Polling Company Owner Pleads Guilty to Fraud,
Clients Included Bush and Lieberman Campaigns
The Associated Press
Thursday 07 September 2006
Bridgeport, Connecticut - The owner of DataUSA Inc., a company that conducted political polls for the campaigns of President George W. Bush, US Sen. Joe Lieberman and other candidates, pleaded guilty to fraud for making up survey and poll results.
Tracy Costin pleaded guilty Wednesday to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Costin, 46, faces a maximum of five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 when she is sentenced Nov. 30.
According to a federal indictment, Costin told employees to alter poll data, and managers at the company told employees to "talk to cats and dogs" when instructing them to fabricate the surveys.
An FBI affidavit from 2004 quotes a supervisor of the company estimating that 50 percent of the data sent to Bush's campaign was falsified. FBI Special Agent Jeff Rovelli, who wrote the affidavit, said Thursday that investigators were not able to verify the claim related to Bush because that data was not located and analyzed.
It's just so typical. They make stuff up out of whole cloth, then when the investigation comes, "that data was not located and analyzed". Wonder what they would find out if it was- may Bush wasn't as popular as people thought back in '04? Just guessing....