Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

Well, the McCain campaign seems to have completely abandoned the truth as well as any shred of integrity in his quixotic quest for the White House.

The campaign approach seems to be to chant loudly over and over "Obama will raise your taxes! Booga Booga!" "Obama wants to show pornography to kindergartners! Boo!".

And my favorite, "Drill Baby Drill". Does anyone else find a bunch of pasty white republicans chanting "Drill Baby Drill" at the candidate alternately described as "A sexy librarian" or "M.I.L.F." a little creepy in a sexual way? When they talk about Sarah Palins rack, I don't think they are talking moose antlers.

Palin continues to make stuff up out of whole cloth about her support for the bridge to nowhere, as well as BS numbers about how much energy Alaska supplies to the nation - Palin says 20%, reality says.... 3.5%. Just a little difference.

Even CNN is FINALLY getting into the act - the clip below gives a breakdown of the McCain claims in detail - here's the high level:
  • Obama wants to teach sex to kindergartners? Lie.
  • Palin opposed the Bridge to Nowhere? Lie.
  • Palin hasn’t taken earmarks as Governor? Lie.
  • Alaska produces 20% of America’s energy? Lie.
  • Palin visited Iraq and Ireland? Lie

(Credit to SilentPatriot on Crooks and Liars)

The Obama campaign is hitting back by focusing on the economy (It's 1992 all over again- It's the Economy, Stupid!) and the kitchen table issues like health care and peoples worries about retirement and unemployment and inflation and keeping their homes...

But what disturbs me about the story above is the last line:

Our expert says if the McCain campaign can't win pretty, it will try and win ugly, and as you know Anderson, it's getting pretty ugly on both sides".

What the Hell?! The whole story spent going over the lies, damn lies and statistics (all wrong) that McCain and Palin are using to drag this campaign into the muck, and still there is that reflexive, knee jerk reaction of "Well, it's both sides". Umm... no, it's not.

Obama and Biden are attacking McCain & Palin on the lies they are telling, and McCain & Palin just keep telling more lies. I don't see anyone doing 5 minute pieces on all the Obama lies - and our mainstream media would be all over that like white on rice if they were there.

So what does that tell us about the 2 choices we have for President. Liar or Truthteller - which do you want?

Don't count on the Truthteller - just look at mythology- Cassandra got all sorts of hell for telling the unvarnished truth. Everyone in favor the truth instead of "Drill Baby Drill" better keep working damn hard till the polls close in November.

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