Sunday, August 27, 2006

Been a while since I've been online- about 8 months... For those who have followed this (ie, nobody- often blogging is the equivalent of talking to yourself in a crowded room), my life has taken on a few changes. I've changed jobs (thank goodness -see here )
Now I work in a mortgage office as a sales trainer, training people how to make loans for people against their homes. It's a very interesting industry, and a good company. The CEO came to speak last week and assured all of us that we are not an accqusition target. I'm betting we are sold in 6 months - but that is just my cynical nature informed by 23 years of working in corporate America speaking.

I have truly reached a level of outrage overload though - I can't even raise the energy to rant at the news anymore, and The Daily Show and Colbert Report just raise weak chuckles. But I am going to rally and get back into the groove, just you see... Elections are coming, and the theme needs to be "Have You Had ENOUGH?!"


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